Stay Sun Safe on Your Staycations – Make SPF Your BFF

Some sun safe tips to keep in mind from LloydsPharmacy Superintendent Pharmacist, Denis O’Driscoll
LloydsPharmacy Research finds 66% of People Aren’t Wearing Sunscreen During the Summer Months
Ireland isn’t renowned for its sunny weather, but when it comes to SPF, that doesn’t matter. With 12,000 cases of Non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) diagnosed in Ireland each year and sun exposure acting as the main risk factor we should be wearing SPF all year round to protect our skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays. However, LloydsPharmacy research finds that not only are people not wearing it all year round, just over a third (34%) of adults wear sunscreen during the summer months, but only when it's a sunny day, with 16% claiming that they wear sunscreen every day. Staycations will continue to be a focal point of Irish life over the coming months, as they were last Summer, but even though ‘’sun’’ holidays were off the cards, over a quarter (27%) of adults said they have experienced sun-burn in the last year. With men (33%) more likely than women (22%) to claim that they have experienced sunburn in the last year.
Make SPF your BFF
Use more than you think!
- Use more than you think! It is advised that you should use approximately a shot glass of product to cover your body, so don’t use it too sparingly.
Give 30 minutes to soak in
- Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before leaving the house to make sure the product has had enough time to soak in.
- I’m only popping out; do I really need it? In short, yes. It’s still exposure, and depending on the time of day, you can get a sunburn quite quickly. Also, 20 minutes can easily turn into 40.
Reapply reapply reapply
- Reapply every two hours – yes, that is right, every two hours at least. If you go swimming you should reapply every time you get out of the water. Reapply more frequently if you are sweating a lot as well. LloydsPharmacy’s research found that only a third (33%) of people re-apply once a day.
Protect your peepers
- Remember to protect your eyes too, make sure that the sunnies you are wearing have UV protection and aren’t just stylish!
Denis O’Driscoll Superintendent Pharmacist said "Irish people tend to think of SPF as something we pack when heading to the airport, but we really need to be wearing it all year round, regardless of the weather. This Summer LloydsPharmacy have a great range of high-quality SPF brands in pharmacy, perfect to protect you and your loved ones. The highly trained teams are on hand to advise you on the right products to suit your needs, so pop in pharmacy or give them a call."
If you’re looking for a family friendly yet affordable SPF, LloydsPharmacy’s Solero brand is perfect. This Summer there is 50% off this range in all of our LloydsPharmacy stores nationwide.
Whilst most sun care products protect the skin against UV-A and UV-B rays, many of them do not protect against Infrared-A rays. The Solero range is specially formulated to provide triple defence against all three. The range has been specially formulated to help protect the skin cells against the negative effects of Infrared-A radiation and prevent premature skin ageing and sun-induced wrinkles.
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